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Dr.Bacto’s Brave


Dr. Bacto’s Brave is effective biological insecticide which contains entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana.


2 × 108 C.F.U./ml


  • It is chemical-free product which is a good option for exportable grape yield and other fruit production.
  • It is a highly effective biological insecticide for controlling mealy bugs, whiteflies, thrips, root grubs, stem borers and other worm pests.
  • It is useful for drip irrigation and spraying.
Mode of action :

Dr. Bacto’s Brave Penetrate into harmful pests after application. Being parasitic, they releases toxins like Beauvericin and bassianolide into the pest body , harmful pests are controlled by immediate death.

Additional information


Spraying: 2.5-5 ml/liter water By Drenching / Drip: 2 liter/ 200 liter water/acre


100ml, 1Ltr, 20ltr, 250ml, 500ml, 5Ltr


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