15% SALE

Dr. Bacto’s Residue Manager


Microorganisms contain specific enzymes which effectively reduce the residues of chemical pesticides on fruits and vegetables.


20 × 10^9 C.F.U./gm


  • It helps to reduce residues of selected pesticides.
  • It controls the fungal diseases like Powdery Mildew and other disease.
  • It improves the uptake of phosphorus and potassium.
  • It is beneficial for exportable grape and vegetable crops.
  • Residue Manager contains 2000 Crore microorganism/gm.

Additional information


Spraying: 200 gm/acre 70-80 days after Fruit pruning after the water settles down 90-100 days after Fruit pruning before paper application 110-100-120 days after Fruit pruning, 8 days before taking grapes samples ————————————————————– By Drenching / Drip: 200 gm/acre 50-60 days after Fruit pruning 80-90 days after Fruit pruning


1kg, 200gm


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